

  • Colorado Gardener, “Biological Farming and Gardening” by Mikl Brawner. Education Issue, 2012.

  • Dirt Doctor’s Guide to Organic Gardening, Howard Garrett, University of Texas Press, 1995

  • Ecology for Gardeners, Steven B. Carroll and Steve Salt, Timber Press, 2004.

  • “Foliar Fertilization”, by George Kuepper, The National Sustainable Agriculture Information Network, ATTRA.

  • Gais's Gardening, A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture, Toby Hemenway, 2nd edition, Chelsea Green Publishing, 2009.

  • Gardening Success with Difficult Soils, Limestone, Alkaline Clay, and Caliche, Scott Ogden, Taylor Publishing company, 1992

  • Herbicide Carryover in Hay, Manure, Compost and Grass Clippings,” North Carolina Cooperative Extension, Dr. Jeanine Davis, Dr. Sue Ellen Johnson and Dr. Katie Jennings.

  • “How to Use Corn Gluten Meal, Dr. Nick Christians, Iowa State University,

  • Insects and Gardens, In Pursuit of a Garden Ecology, Eric Grissell, Timber Press, 2001.

  • IPM for Gardeners, A Guide to Integrated Pest Management, by Raymond A, Cloyd, Philip L. Nixon and Nancy R. Pataky, Timber Press, 2004.

  • “Keep Your Garden Safe From Killer Compost”, Barbara Pleasant, Mother Earth News, April/May, 2011.

  • “Killer compost Update:Herbicide Damage Still a Major Problem”, Dan Sullivan, Mother Earth News, February/March, 2013.

  • Soil Biology Primer, published by the Soil and Water Conservation Society in cooperation with the USDA Resources Conservation Service, 2000, or

  • Soul of the Soil, Grace Gershuny, Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 4th Edition, 1999

  • Start With The Soil, Grace Gershuny, Rodale Press, 1993

  • Teaming With Microbes, A Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web, by Jeff Lowenfels and Wayne Lewis, Timber Press, 2006.

  • The Garden-Ville Method, Lessons in Nature, Malcolm Beck, Published by Garden-Ville, Inc., 1998, recently revised.

  • The Gardener's A – Z Guide to Growing, Tanya L. K. Denckla, Storey Publishing, 2003.

  • The Soil and Health, Sir Albert Howard, Devin-Adair Company, 1947, reprinted by Schocken Books, New York, 1972.

  • “Watch Out for Killer Compost”, Cheryl Long and Barbara Pleasant, Mother Earth News, October/November 2008.

  • “White Grubs in Texas Turfgrass”, Michael Merchant, Stephen Biles and Dale Mott, AgriLife Extension, Texas A & M University, June, 2004, Publication E-211.