High Plains Gardening
The gardening website of the Texas High Plains Region
A Practical Guide to Using and Conserving Water in the Garden, by Susan McClure, Workman Publishing, 2000.
City of Albuquerque, NM, Water Conservation Office, for information and free copies of booklets and brochures on xeriscape and many aspects of water conservation, go to www.cabq.gov/waterconservation/form.html.
Colorado Water Wise Council, http://coloradowaterwise.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=88&Itemid=145 Learn about Colorado xeriscape and water conservation tips. Terrific links section!
Denver Water, www.denverwater.org . Learn all about xeriscape from the people who came up with the name and concept. Go to section on Conservation and Xeriscape for information. Brochures and books are also available for purchase.
Drip Irrigation for Every Landscape and All Climates, by Robert Kourik, Metamorphic Press, 1992. Chock full of information on installing a drip system.
Drip Works Catalog, catalog and internet supplier of drip systems. Call for free catalog, a good source of information. 800-522-3747, or go to www.dripworks.com.
Ewing Irrigation, 6664 Canyon Drive. Supplies Netafim drip system components for under ground and under mulch systems.
New Mexico Water Use and Conservation Bureau, 1-800-WATER-NM, or www.ose.state.nm.us. Offers many free publications on various aspects of water conservation. Click on Conservation, then Water Use and Conservation, then NM Water Conservation Program, then Education and Public Information for free printable material.
Southwest Colorado Water Conservancy District, www.secwcdxeriscape.org. Information and links related to water-use efficiency.
Southern Nevada Water Authority, click on http://www.snwa.com/html/cons_wsl_xeriscape.html for the final and complete report of the Xeriscape Conversion Study and other helpful yard tips.
Texas Water Development Board, P. O. Box 13231 Capitol Station, Austin TX 78711. www.twdb.state.tx.us. Go to Publications, then brochures to order free brochures, or peruse site for other information.