Chamaebatiera millifolium

Latin Name: Chamaebatiera millifolium
Common Name: Fernbush
Mature Height (ft): 4-8'
Mature Width: 4-8'

Mature Shape

Upright, about as tall as wide.
Mulch: Inorganic.

Plant Type: 

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Flowering Season: 


Ideal Sun Conditions: 

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This native shrub should be used alot more in our area. Drought tolerant shrub. If planted in a moister area it is important to have good drainage. Attractive and pleasantly fragrant fern-like foliage. The tiny white flowers with yellow centers that appear towards the end of the branches in June should be clipped in fall to late winter for better appearance. It is said the deer do not browse fernbush. Semi evergreen, it does loose its leaves in Amarillo. Reputed to be cold hardy to -25°.

This shrub pairs well with Russian sage, Salvia greggii, Texas Red Yucca, Calylophus and Blackfoot Daisy for a nice natural grouping.

Use in Garden

Hot and dry location. Xeric shrub border, Native and habitat garden.


Remove spent flowers from fall to late winter.