High Plains Gardening
The gardening website of the Texas High Plains Region
Sedum, ‘Autumn Joy’ is one of those foolproof additions to your autumn garden, so aptly named; for the joy it brings to the autumn garden. Easily propagated by stem cuttings or root division. As with most sedums, afternoon shade helps. Grasshoppers have nibbled at its leaves in early summer without stunting the plant’s flowering ability.
I’ve noticed flower color varies somewhat on Autumn Joy plants; perhaps some are misnamed at the growers, or it could just be differences in soil. Sedums will grow in full shade, though not as robustly, and often will not flower. Butterflies love the sedum flowers. I have also seen Autumn Joy’s botanical name written: Sedum x ‘Autumn Joy’, a hybrid of S. telephium and S. spectabile.
Sun, sun/part shade bed or border with low to medium water use. Butterfly and pollinator's garden. Succulent or container garden.
Clean up frozen stems and foliage at winter's end.