Sphaeralcea ambigua

Latin Name: Sphaeralcea ambigua
Common Name: Desert globemallow
Mature Height (ft): 18-30"
Mature Width: 12-18"

Mature Shape

Mulch: Inorganic.

Plant Type: 

Flower Color: 

Flowering Season: 


Cold Hardiness: 

Heat Zone: 

Ideal Sun Conditions: 

Water Requirement: 

Soil Requirements: 


Desert globemallow is one of those native plants that keeps on giving, asking so little in return and is a worthy addition to any native or xeric garden. Typically, desert globemallow sports pretty pink flowers. though some plants will bloom white, coral or lavender. Whatever color, they are worth the addition to your sunny and dry landscape for their pleasant cheery nature. Similar to appearane to S. coccinea, a coral blooming species.

Use in Garden

Handsome in a Western cottage garden, cactus, xeric or native plant garden pairs well wherever you'd like a bit of full season color.


Grows in most native soils, once a month watering is beneficial to keep it blooming. At winter's end, remove dried stems before new year's growth begins.