High Plains Gardening
The gardening website of the Texas High Plains Region
Most gardeners’ acquaintance with veronicas is with the Veronica spicatas, ‘Red Fox’, ‘Icicle’, and ‘Sunny Border Blue’; the tall, spiky red, white and blue medium and high water-use veronicas. But consider the low water-use option, V. incana. Deadhead to prolong the blooms and water deeply once a month, once established in well-drained soil. The gray-green leaves should be a give-away by now as to its water requirements.
Please also consider the drought tolerant groundcover veronicas, V. x ‘Blue Reflection’ with glossy, evergreen leaves and small blue flowers, V. pectinata with evergreen gray-green hairy leaves and blue flowers, and V. pectinata ‘Rosea’, rose colored flowers. These are exceptional, drought tolerant, heat tolerant, evergreen and pretty. You’ll be thrilled you did. V. liwanensis, or Turkish Speedwell, is not as heat and drought tolerant, but it is a 1997 Plant Select Plant.
Sunny, sun/part shade xeric bed or border, towards the middle. Xeristrip. Western cottage garden.
Some companions to silver speedwell are Salvia greggii, Sedum 'Frosty Morn', Calylophus, and Yucca rupicola.
Deadhead spent flowers.