High Plains Gardening
The gardening website of the Texas High Plains Region
It is so refreshing to see the rain lilies bloom after a long hot summer. Whenever they begin to bloom, I know the worst heat is over. Rain lilies are a delightful flower that sends up glossy green, grass-like leaves from its bulb in late spring. In mid to late summer, pure white flowers resembling a crocus open and continue through September, usually after a good summer rainfall. There are quite a few species and varieties (of various colors) of Zephrantes, however, Z. candida is the only rain lily cold hardy in Amarillo. I've grown it successfully since 2008. If you are fortunate enough to come across a container of Z. candida in a nursery or home improvement store, buy them. They will usually contain 10-15 or more small bulbs, each one a little plant. Separate the roots and plant them a few inches apart. They will fill in. Divide every 4-5 years, spreading them around the garden. Z. candida is said to be native to Southern U.S. Most of the other Zephrantes are native further south and in South America.
Rock gardens, at the edge of beds or borders lining the lawn and at the front of mixed borders. Succulent containers, especially if they're overwintered inside.
Dig up, thin out and replant every 4-5 years.