Campis radicans

Latin Name: Campis radicans
Common Name: Trumpet Vine, Trumpet Creeper
Mature Height (ft): 10-35'
Mature Width: 6-15'

Mature Shape

Mulch: Organic or inorganic.

Plant Type: 

Flower Color: 

Flowering Season: 


Wildlife Relationships: 

Cold Hardiness: 

Heat Zone: 

Ideal Sun Conditions: 

Water Requirement: 

Soil Requirements: 


People either love trumpet creeper or hate it. The first three years, I couldn't wait for it to mature, filling with red-orange trumpet shaped flowers. It seems I've spent the next 20 years trying to kill it. Trumpet vine will die, but only for those who want it to live. If a gardener gives it the death wish, it will be sure to flourish. Native to most of the eastern half of the U.S., it is low water-use, thrives in heat. Must be in a sunny location to bloom profusely. Considered to be invasive, especially when over watered. Not particular about its soil. As it matures, the woody trunk can grow very thick, 6-8 inches or more. Over time, it will cripple lattices and fences. Varieties are available in reddish orange, red and yellow.

Use in Garden

Most commonly seen on back fences with a southern exposure. Good vigorous grower over a sturdy pergola or veranda.


Be prepared to cut off suckers all over the place.