High Plains Gardening
The gardening website of the Texas High Plains Region
Big Bend silverleaf is the most cold hardy of the Leucophyllums and has wintered over in Amarillo, Zone 7, for 5 years so far. Possibly cold hardy to Zone 6. It is hard to beat a more attractive summer blooming shrub for small xeric spaces. After summer rainfalls, Big Bend silverleaf, native to the Big Bend National Park area, becomes covered in silver blue flowers that twinkle like jewels among its silvery gray leaves. Hard to find, it's worth searching for. Other Leucophyllums, commonly referred to as Texas Ranger, or Cenizo (of which there are many varieties) are usually not cold hardy in the Texas Panhandle.
Any xeric, native or high desert garden, cactus garden or xeristrip is an ideal location for this stunning subshrub.
Prune out any dead wood in early spring. No other pruning should be necessary. Likes soil lean with good drainage. Pair in front of evergreens for good contrast.