Choosing the best plants for the bed or border type, design, style is just as much an art as the design itself, requiring some education, research and persistence. For theme gardens or anything out of the ordinary, you won't be able to find everything you need at the big box stores, or any single nursery, for that matter. In the Texas Panhandle, we are fortunate to be able to purchase plants at Canyon's Edge Plants, our local grower for medium and lower water-use plants. However, I've never run across a nursery that carries every single plant I might want at any given time. When my husband and I travel, we stop at nurseries to check out their selection. I've purchased many through catalogues or the Internet. Pretty much, if the plant is propagated for sale, it's available to gardeners everywhere. A supplier doesn't have to specialize in xeric plants to carry some in their inventory. Even if the plant is not labeled xeric, the plant's characteristics will give you a good idea about its water requirements.