High Plains Gardening
The gardening website of the Texas High Plains Region
Texas, or scarlet sage is a perennial to the Southern U.S. and Texas. In the Texas Panhandle, it is sold as a bedding plant, since it is not cold hardy. Some varieties will come back due to re-seeding. Many varieties are available, some are more drought tolerant than others, such as 'Forest Fire', while 'Lady in Red' requires medium water-use beds. Summer long blooming, choose your color among scarlet, red, rose, pink, coral and white. As with most sages, hummingbirds, butterflies and bees are attracted to them.
Another happy addition to native, hummingbird, butterfly and habitat gardens, especially in a transition zone between moist and dry. Try Salvia coccinea in containers too.
Appreciates supplemental watering.